Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow Day Round 2

Today was another day of snow, and that means we stay inside and snuggle for most of the day.
I decided that it was a good day to lay on my window bench and just watch the world.  Dad was great and took me out for my morning walk, then the Big Guy did a short walk with me too.  I have learned that puppy dog eyes to the Big Guy when Little Man goes out to poop means I get a short walk too.  Auntie and MomMom walked to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream and veggies.  I was told I couldn't go with them, because I can't go in the grocery store :(  
I spent the morning on my window bench and snuggling with Mom and Dad.  This afternoon was more snuggle time, Auntie got some love because she took me for a walk, more like a run on my part.  Auntie told me several times she can't run on ice.  I may not be a sled dog, but I love running in the snow.
With all my family home I was having a great day.  MomMom got sick this afternoon, I went to check on her a few times.  I think giving her kisses helped her feel better.  When she came down to the couch I snuggled with her there too.  I stayed with her and the Big Guy until bedtime, because I was worried about her.  

I am not a huge fan of this snow thing, but I do love that it makes my family stay home all day :)

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